This is the complete list of members for GraphicalDDLayer, including all inherited members.
_enableFeedback() (defined in DDLayer) | DDLayer | protected |
addLevel(const String &levelId, float width, float height, bool switchToIt=false) | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
addLevel(const String &levelId, bool switchToIt=false) | MultiLevelDDLayer | inline |
addTopLevel(const String &levelId, float width=0, float height=0, bool switchToIt=false) | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
addTopLevel(const String &levelId, bool switchToIt) | MultiLevelDDLayer | inline |
alpha(int alpha) | DDLayer | |
animateLevelBackground(int fps, bool reset=true, const String &options="") | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
arc(int width, int height, int startAngle, int sweepAngle, bool centered=false) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
backgroundColor(const String &color, int opacity=100) | DDLayer | |
blend(const String &color, int alpha=255, const String &mode="darken") | DDLayer | |
border(float size, const String &color, const String &shape="flat", float extraSize=0) | DDLayer | |
cacheImage(const String &imageName, const uint8_t *bytes, int byteCount, char compressionMethod=0) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
cacheImageWithTS(const String &imageName, const uint8_t *bytes, int byteCount, long imageTimestamp, char compressionMethod=0) (defined in GraphicalDDLayer) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
cachePixelImage(const String &imageName, const uint8_t *bytes, int width, int height, const String &color="", char compressionMethod=0) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
cachePixelImage16(const String &imageName, const uint16_t *data, int width, int height, const String &options="", char compressMethod=0) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
cachePixelImageGS(const String &imageName, const uint8_t *data, int width, int height, const String &options="", char compressMethod=0) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
centeredPolygon(int radius, int vertexCount, bool inside=false) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
circle(int radius, bool centered=false) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
clear() | DDLayer | |
customData | DDObject | |
DDLayer(int8_t layerId) (defined in DDLayer) | DDLayer | protected |
debugOnly(int i) | DDLayer | |
deleteLevel(const String &levelId) | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
disabled(bool disabled=true) | DDLayer | |
disableFeedback() | DDLayer | |
drawArc(int x, int y, int w, int h, int startAngle, int sweepAngle, bool useCenter, const String &color="", bool filled=false) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
drawChar(int x, int y, char c, const String &color="", const String &bgColor="", int size=0) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
drawCircle(int x, int y, int r, const String &color="", bool filled=false) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
drawImageFile(const String &imageFileName, int x=0, int y=0, int w=0, int h=0, const String &options="") | GraphicalDDLayer | |
drawImageFile(const String &imageFileName, const String &options) | GraphicalDDLayer | inline |
drawImageFileFit(const String &imageFileName, int x=0, int y=0, int w=0, int h=0, const String &options="") | GraphicalDDLayer | |
drawImageFileFit(const String &imageFileName, const String &options) | GraphicalDDLayer | inline |
drawImageFileScaled(const String &imageFileName, int w, int h, const String &options="") | GraphicalDDLayer | inline |
drawLine(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, const String &color="") | GraphicalDDLayer | |
drawOval(int x, int y, int w, int h, const String &color="", bool filled=false) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
drawPixel(int x, int y, const String &color="") | GraphicalDDLayer | |
drawRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, const String &color="", bool filled=false) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
drawRoundRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, const String &color="", bool filled=false) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
drawStr(int x, int y, const String &string, const String &color="", const String &bgColor="", int size=0) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
drawTextLine(const String &text, int y, const String &align="L", const String &color="", const String &bgColor="", int size=0) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
drawTriangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, const String &color="", bool filled=false) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
enableFeedback(const String &autoFeedbackMethod="", const String &allowFeedbackTypes="") | DDLayer | |
explicitFeedback(int16_t x=0, int16_t y=0, const String &text="", DDFeedbackType type=CLICK, const String &option="") | DDLayer | |
exportLevelsAsImage(const String &imageFileName, bool cacheItNotSave=false) | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
feedbackHandler (defined in DDLayer) | DDLayer | protected |
fillArc(int x, int y, int w, int h, int startAngle, int sweepAngle, bool useCenter, const String &color="") | GraphicalDDLayer | inline |
fillCircle(int x, int y, int r, const String &color="") | GraphicalDDLayer | inline |
fillColor(const String &color) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
fillOval(int x, int y, int w, int h, const String &color="") | GraphicalDDLayer | inline |
fillRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, const String &color="") | GraphicalDDLayer | inline |
fillRoundRect(int x, int y, int w, int h, int r, const String &color="") | GraphicalDDLayer | inline |
fillScreen(const String &color) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
fillTriangle(int x1, int y1, int x2, int y2, int x3, int y3, const String &color="") | GraphicalDDLayer | inline |
flash() | DDLayer | |
flashArea(int x, int y) | DDLayer | |
forward(int distance) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
getFeedback() | DDLayer | |
getFeedbackHandler() const | DDLayer | inline |
getFeedbackManager() const | DDLayer | inline |
getLayerId() const (defined in DDLayer) | DDLayer | inline |
GraphicalDDLayer(int8_t layerId) | GraphicalDDLayer | inline |
isoscelesTriangle(int side, int angle) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
layerId (defined in DDLayer) | DDLayer | protected |
leftTurn(int angle) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
levelOpacity(int opacity) | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
levelTransparent(bool transparent) | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
loadImageFile(const String &imageFileName, int w=0, int h=0, const String &asImageFileName="") | GraphicalDDLayer | |
loadImageFileCropped(const String &imageFileName, int x, int y, int w, int h, const String &asImageFileName, int scaleW=0, int scaleH=0) (defined in GraphicalDDLayer) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
loadImageFileScaled(const String &imageFileName, int w, int h, const String &asImageFileName) | GraphicalDDLayer | inline |
margin(float size) | DDLayer | |
margin(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) | DDLayer | |
moveCursorBy(int byX, int byY) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
moveLevelAnchorBy(float byX, float byY, long reachInMillis=0) | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
MultiLevelDDLayer(int8_t layerId) (defined in MultiLevelDDLayer) | MultiLevelDDLayer | inlineprotected |
noBackgroundColor() | DDLayer | |
noblend() | DDLayer | |
noBorder() | DDLayer | |
noFillColor() | GraphicalDDLayer | |
noMargin() | DDLayer | |
noPadding() | DDLayer | |
objectType | DDObject | |
opacity(int opacity) | DDLayer | |
oval(int width, int height, bool centered=false) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
padding(float size) | DDLayer | |
padding(float left, float top, float right, float bottom) | DDLayer | |
penColor(const String &color) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
penSize(int size) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
pFeedbackManager (defined in DDLayer) | DDLayer | protected |
polygon(int side, int vertexCount) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
popLevel() | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
print(const String &text) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
println(const String &text="") | GraphicalDDLayer | |
pushLevel() | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
pushLevelAndSwitchTo(const String &switchTolevelId, bool addIfMissing=true) | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
rectangle(int width, int height, bool centered=false) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
registerLevelBackground(const String &backgroundId, const String &backgroundImageName, const String &drawBackgroundOptions="") | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
reorderLevel(const String &levelId, const String &how) | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
rightTurn(int angle) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
saveCachedImageFile(const String &imageName, const String &asImageName="") | GraphicalDDLayer | |
saveCachedImageFileAsync(const String &imageName, const String &asImageName="") | GraphicalDDLayer | |
saveCachedImageFiles(const String &stitchAsImageName="") | GraphicalDDLayer | |
setCursor(int x, int y) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
setFeedbackHandler(DDFeedbackHandler handler, const String &autoFeedbackMethod="", const String &allowFeedbackTypes="") | DDLayer | |
setHeading(int angle) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
setLevelAnchor(float x, float y, long reachInMillis=0) | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
setLevelBackground(const String &backgroundId, const String &backgroundImageName="", const String &drawBackgroundOptions="") | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
setLevelNoBackground() | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
setRotation(int8_t rotationType) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
setTextColor(const String &color, const String &bgColor="") | GraphicalDDLayer | |
setTextFont(const String &fontName) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
setTextFont() | GraphicalDDLayer | |
setTextFont(const String &fontName, int textSize) | GraphicalDDLayer | inline |
setTextSize(int size) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
setTextWrap(bool wrapOn) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
stopAnimateLevelBackground(bool reset=true) | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
switchLevel(const String &levelId, bool addIfMissing=true) | MultiLevelDDLayer | |
transparent(bool transparent) | DDLayer | |
triangle(int side1, int angle, int side2) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
unloadAllImageFiles() | GraphicalDDLayer | |
unloadImageFile(const String &imageFileName) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
visible(bool visible) | DDLayer | |
write(const String &text, bool draw=false) | GraphicalDDLayer | |
~DDLayer() (defined in DDLayer) | DDLayer | virtual |
~DDObject() (defined in DDObject) | DDObject | inlinevirtual |