| TurtleDDLayer (int8_t layerId) |
| for internal use only
void | forward (int distance, bool withPen=true) |
| forward; with pen or not
void | backward (int distance, bool withPen=true) |
| backward; with pen or not
void | leftTurn (int angle) |
| left turn
void | rightTurn (int angle) |
| right turn
void | home (bool withPen=true) |
| go home (0, 0); with pen or not
void | goTo (int x, int y, bool withPen=true) |
| go to (x, y); with pen or not
void | goBy (int byX, int byY, bool withPen=true) |
| go by (byX, byY); with pen or not
void | setHeading (int angle) |
| set heading angle (degree)
void | penSize (int size) |
| set pen size
void | penColor (const String &color) |
void | fillColor (const String &color) |
void | noFillColor () |
| set no fill color
void | penFilled (bool filled) |
| set pen filled or not; if filled, shape drawn will be filled
void | setTextSize (int size) |
| set text size
void | setTextFont (const String &fontName="", int textSize=0) |
void | penUp () |
| pen up
void | penDown () |
| pen down
void | beginFill () |
void | endFill () |
void | dot (int size, const String &color) |
| draw a dot
void | circle (int radius, bool centered=false) |
| draw circle; centered or not
void | oval (int width, int height, bool centered=false) |
| draw oval; centered or not
void | arc (int width, int height, int startAngle, int sweepAngle, bool centered=false) |
| draw arc; centered or not
void | triangle (int side1, int angle, int side2) |
| draw triangle (SAS)
void | isoscelesTriangle (int side, int angle) |
| draw isosceles triangle; given size and angle
void | rectangle (int width, int height, bool centered=false) |
| draw rectangle; centered or not
void | polygon (int side, int vertexCount) |
| draw polygon given side and vertex count
void | centeredPolygon (int radius, int vertexCount, bool inside=false) |
void | write (const String &text, bool draw=false) |
| write text; draw means draw the text (honor heading)
void | addLevel (const String &levelId, float width, float height, bool switchToIt=false) |
void | addLevel (const String &levelId, bool switchToIt=false) |
| another version of addLevel()
void | addTopLevel (const String &levelId, float width=0, float height=0, bool switchToIt=false) |
| like addLevel() but add to the top (i.e. will be drawn last)
void | addTopLevel (const String &levelId, bool switchToIt) |
| another version of addTopLevel()
void | switchLevel (const String &levelId, bool addIfMissing=true) |
void | pushLevel () |
| push the current level onto the level stack, to be pop with popLevel()
void | pushLevelAndSwitchTo (const String &switchTolevelId, bool addIfMissing=true) |
void | popLevel () |
| pop a level from the level stack and make it the current level
void | levelOpacity (int opacity) |
void | levelTransparent (bool transparent) |
| set whether level is transparent
void | setLevelAnchor (float x, float y, long reachInMillis=0) |
| set the anchor of the level; note that level anchor is the top-left corner of the level "opening"
void | moveLevelAnchorBy (float byX, float byY, long reachInMillis=0) |
| move the level anchor
void | registerLevelBackground (const String &backgroundId, const String &backgroundImageName, const String &drawBackgroundOptions="") |
void | setLevelBackground (const String &backgroundId, const String &backgroundImageName="", const String &drawBackgroundOptions="") |
void | setLevelNoBackground () |
| set that the current level uses no background image
void | animateLevelBackground (int fps, bool reset=true, const String &options="") |
void | stopAnimateLevelBackground (bool reset=true) |
void | reorderLevel (const String &levelId, const String &how) |
void | exportLevelsAsImage (const String &imageFileName, bool cacheItNotSave=false) |
| export (and save) the levels as an image (without the decorations of the layer like border)
void | deleteLevel (const String &levelId) |
| delete the specified level
void | border (float size, const String &color, const String &shape="flat", float extraSize=0) |
void | noBorder () |
void | padding (float size) |
void | padding (float left, float top, float right, float bottom) |
void | noPadding () |
void | margin (float size) |
void | margin (float left, float top, float right, float bottom) |
void | noMargin () |
void | backgroundColor (const String &color, int opacity=100) |
void | noBackgroundColor () |
void | visible (bool visible) |
void | transparent (bool transparent) |
void | disabled (bool disabled=true) |
void | opacity (int opacity) |
void | alpha (int alpha) |
void | blend (const String &color, int alpha=255, const String &mode="darken") |
void | noblend () |
void | clear () |
| clear the layer
void | flash () |
| normally used for "feedback" – flash the default way (layer + border)
void | flashArea (int x, int y) |
| normally used for "feedback" – flash the area (x, y) where the layer is clicked
void | explicitFeedback (int16_t x=0, int16_t y=0, const String &text="", DDFeedbackType type=CLICK, const String &option="") |
const String & | getLayerId () const |
void | setFeedbackHandler (DDFeedbackHandler handler, const String &autoFeedbackMethod="", const String &allowFeedbackTypes="") |
void | enableFeedback (const String &autoFeedbackMethod="", const String &allowFeedbackTypes="") |
void | disableFeedback () |
| disable "feedback"
const DDFeedback * | getFeedback () |
void | debugOnly (int i) |
| for debug use
DDFeedbackManager * | getFeedbackManager () const |
DDFeedbackHandler | getFeedbackHandler () const |