ArduinoDumbDisplay v0.9.9-r40
DumbDisplay Arduino Library --
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Class List
Here are the classes, structs, unions and interfaces with brief descriptions:
[detail level 12]
 CABCDPressedStruct used by the helper class like JoystickInterface
 CButtonJoystickHelper class for joystick input tracking. See JoystickInterface
 CButtonJoystickBasicHelper class for joystick input tracking. See JoystickInterface
 CButtonPressTrackerHelper class for joystick input tracking. See JoystickInterface
 CButtonsOnlyHelper class for joystick input tracking. See JoystickInterface
 CDDATWiFiIOSubclass of DDInputOutput
 CDDAutoPinConfigClass for building "auto pin" config, to be passed to DumbDisplay::configAutoPin()
 CDDBLESerialIOSubclass of DDInputOutput
 CDDBluetoothSerialIOSubclass of DDInputOutput
 CDDBufferedTunnelClass for DD "tunnel", with buffering support; created with DumbDisplay::createBasicTunnel()
 CDDConnectPassiveStatusStruct for the status values of calling DumbDisplay::connectPassive()
 CDDConnectVersionChangedCallbackType signature for callback function that will be called when connect version (counting up) changed. See DumbDisplay::setConnectVersionChangedCallback()
 CDDConnectVersionTrackerHelper class for tracking connection "version" change
 CDDDebugConnectionStateSee DDDebugInterface
 CDDDebugInterfaceBase class for debug callback set by calling DumbDisplay::debugSetup()
 CDDFadingLayersUtility class
 CDDFeedbackThe struct that captures info about "feedback". See DDLayer::enableFeedback()
 CDDFeedbackHandlerType signature for "feedback" handler. See DDLayer::setFeedbackHandler()
 CDDFeedbackTypeThe enum indicating the type of "feedback". See DDFeedback
 CDDIdleCallbackType signature for callback function that will be called when idle. See DumbDisplay::setIdleCallback()
 CDDIdleConnectionStateSee DDIdleCallback
 CDDInputOutputClass for DD input/output; you explicitly constructed it, pass in when instantiate DumbDisplay, then it will be use by DD internally for communication with DumbDisplay app. There are several derived class like DDSoftwareSerialIO, DDWiFiServerIO, DDBluetoothSerialIO, DDBLESerialIO, DDPicoSerialIO etc
 CDDLayerBase class for the different layers support by DumbDisplay; created with various layer creation methods of DumbDisplay, DumbDisplay::createLedGridLayer()
 CDDLayoutHelperHelper class for managing layer layout plus update of the layers
 CDDLocationOutput struct of GpsServiceDDTunnel
 CDDMasterResetPassiveConnectionHelperHelper class to manage passive connection to DumbDisplay. The only method that should be called in void loop() {} is DDPassiveConnectionHelper::loop(), passing to it some callbacks Note that it will call DumbDisplay::masterReset() when reconnected (i.e. lost previous connection)
 CDDObjectBase class for DD objects
 CDDObjectDetectDemoResultOutput struct of ObjectDetectDemoServiceDDTunnel
 CDDPendingValueHelper class for keeping changed value until acknowledged (i.e. acknowledge() is called)
 CDDPicoSerialIODeprecated. Use DDGenericIO (in genericdumbdisplay.h) instead
 CDDReconnectPassiveConnectionHelperHelper class to manage passive connection to DumbDisplay. The only method that should be called in void loop() {} is DDPassiveConnectionHelper::loop(), passing to it some callbacks Note that it will surround call to initializeCallback with calls to DumbDisplay::recordLayerSetupCommands() and DumbDisplay::playbackLayerSetupCommands()
 CDDSerial2IODeprecated. Use DDGenericIO (in genericdumbdisplay.h) instead
 CDDSoftwareSerialIOSubclass of DDInputOutput
 CDDTunnelBase class for DD "tunnel"
 CDDTunnelEndpointHelper class for constructing "tunnel" endpoint, if the endpoint is not a simple URL. Can be used for DDTunnel::reconnectToEndpoint()
 CDDValueRecordHelper class for keeping changed value, until recorded (i.e. record() is called) to make the value known
 CDDValueStoreHelper class for keeping value
 CDDWiFiServerIOSubclass of DDInputOutput
 CDecodedJoystickHelper class for joystick input tracking. See JoystickInterface
 CDumbDisplayThe core class for DumbDisplay; everything starts here. The most important argument to DumbDisplay is an DDInputOutput object. For an example, please refer to Blink Test With Virtual Display, DumbDisplay
 CGpsServiceDDTunnelClass for GPS service "tunnel"
 CGraphicalDDLayerClass for graphical LCD layer; created with DumbDisplay::createGraphicalLayer()
 CJoystickDDLayerClass for virtual joystick layer; created with DumbDisplay::createJoystickLayer()
 CJoystickInterfaceBase Helper class for joystick input tracking. For an example use, you may want to refer to Wireless Joystick Module Experiment With ESP8266 on ESP-Now
 CJoystickJoystickHelper class for joystick input tracking. See JoystickInterface
 CJoystickPressStruct used by the helper class like JoystickInterface
 CJoystickPressCodeStruct used by the helper class like JoystickInterface
 CJoystickPressTrackerHelper class for joystick input tracking. See JoystickInterface
 CLcdDDLayerClass for LCD layer; created with DumbDisplay::createLcdLayer()
 CLedGridDDLayerClass for LED grid layer; created with DumbDisplay::createLedGridLayer()
 CMbDDLayerClass for Microbit-like DD layer; created with DumbDisplay::createMicrobitLayer()
 CObjectDetectDemoServiceDDTunnelClass for "object detection demo" service "tunnel"
 CPlotterDDLayerClass for plotter layer; created with DumbDisplay::createPlotterLayer() or DumbDisplay::createFixedRatePlotterLayer()
 CSelectionDDLayerClass for "selection" layer of multiple LCD-like "selection" units; created with DumbDisplay::createSelectionLayer()
 CSevenSegmentRowDDLayerClass for 7-segment row layer; created with DumbDisplay::create7SegmentRowLayer()
 CSimpleToolDDTunnelClass for basic tool "tunnel"
 CTerminalDDLayerClass for a terminal-like "device dependent view" layer, for logging etc; created with DumbDisplay::createTerminalLayer()
 CTurtleDDLayerClass for Turtle-like DD layer; created with DumbDisplay::createTurtleLayer()